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CITYRUN TAXI Service Terms & Conditions


CITYRUN TAXI Service - Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions constitute the entire Agreement concerning the provision of our taxi service (“Service”) between YOU and CITYRUN TAXI Service. You are accepting these terms and conditions set out in this Agreement once you complete the booking form or intend to use our taxi service.

1.     Booking


     1.1   While booking a taxi you must always allow enough/ sufficient time for the journey required and for any delays which              may occur by unexpected weather or traffic conditions. In the event of any delay caused by your failure to give                          sufficient time to get to your destination, we "CITYRUN TAXI Service" shall and will not be responsible for any delay.

     1.2   CITYRUN TAXI Service cannot guarantee to carry excessive amounts of luggage or more passengers in the event of                  you not ordering a suitable car that is required for your journey. 


     1.3   All the children no matter what age still counts as one passenger. 

     1.4   If you need a transport for a wheelchair please specify at the time of booking.


     1.5   You will receive the confirmation text or email if your booking has been confirmed please contact us promptly if you                 don't receive the confirmation. Please don't assume that it has been booked automatically if you didn't receive any                   confirmation text or email for your booking.


     1.6   Our drivers will only wait for upto 5 minutes maximum after the initial booking time. After that it will down to the driver                   discretion whether to cancel the booking or to start the meter even though customer are not in the taxi. In the event of                  our drivers cancelling the booking and if it is a pre-paid booking you will not be entitle for any refund as it will be                            customer fault for not being ready to be collected on their booking time.  

2.     Prices & Payment

     2.1   CITYRUN TAXI Service will email or text you a quotation based on the information provided by you.  We may amend                  the quotation if there is any change to the original request e.g. the number of passengers, time or date.

     2.2   (FOR AIRPORT & CRUISE SHIP TRANSFER ONLY) - Our quotation will include a 30 minute waiting period after the                       booking time and the cost of car park is not included unless it is mentioned while booking. CITYRUN TAXI Service will               charge you (£20 standard rate for 1 min - 60 min) for waiting at its standard rates after the initial 30 minute period                   has expired.  CITYRUN TAXI Service will endeavour to check for flight delays before the driver leaves for the airport                   but shall be under no obligation to do so.


     2.3   All the journeys originating from outside the Salisbury City Centre must be prepaid in full at least before the booking               time, CITYRUN TAXI Service will only be able to dispatch the taxi once the payment has been made in full.


     2.4   If we accept the booking, you will receive confirmation of your booking by email or text. Please check your booking                   confirmation carefully and inform CITYRUN TAXI Service ASAP if there is any errors. CITYRUN TAXI Service shall and                 will not be responsible for any delays caused or costs arising from by your failure to provide CITYRUN TAXI Service                   with correct information needed.

     2.5   Payment can be made by credit card, debit card or cash. Drivers might ask you for the payment upfront before the                   journey if driver know that the certain area does not have good card reader signal.


     2.6   Since we are based in Salisbury City Centre so if you are not travelling FROM or TO Salisbury then we have to                            calculate the taxi fare from Salisbury itself.

3.     The Service


     3.1   Customers are strictly not permitted to EAT, DRINK AND/OR SMOKE in the cars at all.

     3.2   You will be charged minimum of £100 to cover deep cleaning costs in the unlikely event of the vehicle being soiled                    (small or big) by any passenger as per Wiltshire Council rules. You shall be responsible for the behaviour of all the                    passengers in the car during the journey at all the time.

     3.3   During the journey all the children travelling should be restrained in a manner appropriate to their age, weight and                   height. Wherever it is possible the child's parents should supply and fit the suitable child seats. Our driver me be                       retain such seats for use on the return journey.

     3.4   CITYRUN TAXI Service will not carry more passengers than it is insurance or licensing allows.


     3.5   Our drivers will not be obliged and will be down to drivers discretion whether to carry more passenger or not, if there                 is more passengers then requested/ booked. In this event if you had pre paid booking and you want to cancel due to               this reason then you will not receive any refund.

4.     Cancellations 

             If you need to cancel your booking, please contact CITYRUN TAXI Service as soon as possible.  If you don't cancel a                  booking 48 hrs prior to the actual booking day then your full payment for any pre paid bookings is non-refundable,                   even if you have paid for your booking on the same day (as we don't take any more booking once we are fully booked,               so if you cancel it in the last minute then our drivers will be losing the fare because we could have given that time                     slot to another customer). click here to view our refund policy

5.     Liability


     5.1   CITYRUN TAXI Service shall not be liable for any loss due to the delays caused by the weather, road or traffic                            conditions which is beyond its control on the journey.  Under no circumstances shall CITYRUN TAXI Service be liable                (in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss of profits, business or for any indirect or consequential loss whatever.

     5.2   All your personal belongings and luggage is carried entirely at your own risk.

     5.3   CITYRUN TAXI Service shall be entitled to cancel all services and provide refunds in the event of an emergency, fuel                 shortage, weather, or other circumstances beyond its control. If the car breaks down during your journey CITYRUN                   TAXI Service will endeavour to arrange an alternative car to complete the journey as soon as practicable.

     5.4   You shall compensate CITYRUN TAXI Service against all the losses, costs, damages and expenses  arising from any                  act or omission of any passenger in your party.

     5.5   For any personal injury or death caused by negligence, or for wilful default or fraudulent misrepresentation, or                           otherwise in any manner unenforceable by any applicable law, neither party excludes or limits its lability.

6.     Termination

             CITYRUN TAXI Service will terminate or refuse any booking with immediate effect if it places any driver or vehicle at r               risk of damage, violence or abuse by you or by any passenger in your party and will ask all passengers to vacate the               vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.  No refunds will be given if the journey is terminated part way through the hire.

7.     Miscellaneous

     7.1   CITYRUN TAXI Service may subcontract its obligations under this Agreement.  You shall not assign, transfer or                            delegate any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement.

     7.2   Please review these terms and conditions regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes. All the existing                       bookings will be at the rate quoted or applicable rate in effect at the time of booking. CITYRUN TAXI Service may                       change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes online.

     7.3   CITYRUN TAXI Service shall store, process and use all information regarding your personal details in accordance with               the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

     7.4   This Agreement and any accompanying quotation represents the entire agreement between you and CITYRUN TAXI                 Service in relation to its subject matter.  If there is any discrepancy between the terms of this Agreement and the                     quotation, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

     7.5   Nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer any benefit on any third party, whether pursuant to the Contracts                     (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise, and no third party shall have the right to enforce any rights under this               Agreement except where otherwise agreed in writing. 


8.     Prosecution


     8.1   CITYRUN TAXI Service will prosecute any offender for any unlawful action brought against it’s vehicles, premises, or                 staff. This includes damage to any vehicle or premises, theft from any vehicle or premises. Violence or abuse towards               any member of our staff. We will take legal action against verbal or written slander towards the company or staff                       where necessary.


     8.2   Theft by running away from the taxi without making a payment will be prosecute for Criminal Offence under Section                  3 of the Theft Act 1978.


     8.3   Getting into taxi knowingly without having the funds to pay but does not notify the driver until arrival at the intended               destination will be prosecute for Criminal Offence under Section 11 Fraud Act 2006. Similarly, the passenger outright               refuses to pay at the intended destination.


9.     Disputes


             This agreement shall be construed in accordance with English law and you and CITYRUN TAXI Service each agree to                 submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts in respect of any dispute or claim arising out or in                                 connection with this agreement.


10.   Conveying of children


             Due to Health and Safety reasons CITYRUN TAXI Service is not able to provide any kind of child seats. But, if you                       have a child seat or/and booking a return journey, our driver who carries out your booking will store your child seat                   for the return journey. (Note: The installation of your child seat must be carried out by you. UK law states that taxis                 are exempt from legislation relating to children travelling in a baby/child seat or booster, more details of the                               legislation can be found here).


             This terms and conditions was created on 23 September 2022.

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